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Sustainable Harborough Community understands that our planet is experiencing a climate crisis.
We want to work together with the many excellent environmental and sustainability groups, projects and concerned individuals that exist across Market Harborough and the surrounding area to effect change that will help to avert the crisis.
Our Vision 
To face up to the climate crisis that now threatens all life on earth.
To recognise and enact our responsibility as guardians of this planet, for the sake of future generations, and all those already affected by extremes of weather and rising sea levels.
To keep hope alive by working together on our aims and objectives.
Any group may become a friend of SHC as long as they are based in Market Harborough or the surrounding area or represent people who live or work in Market Harborough or the surrounding area, and they support the SHC Vision and/or have similar aims themselves.
If your group would like to become a Friend of SHC, please complete this form. 
Friends are groups or organisations... if you are an individual we would love to welcome you as a Member of SHC.
Please note that Sustainable Harborough Community is fully compliant with Data Protection regulations. You can see our DPA policy here

Name of group/community/organisation

Approximate number of members


(someone who is able to communicate and arrange things with us on your group's behalf)

Contact phone number

Contact e-mail address

Description of your Organisation 

(What your group does, and what how your group is linked to improving sustainability in the Market Harborough area. This will be displayed on our website)






Select File

Please provide a logo or image to represent your Organisation.

This will be displayed on the SHC website.

Please confirm the following:

Thank you for your submission - Welcome!

We will upload your information onto our website and be in touch to establish how we can best work together.

An error occurred, Please check you have completed all required parts.

If this doesn't work, try again later or contact us by email.

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