Want To Take Some Action?
How Long Have You Got?
So, you've become a Member of the Sustainable Harborough Community, and now you want to get active. Just click on any of the links below to find something to inspire you!
Please note that this page is a work in progress, so we will be adding more links over the coming weeks. If what you are looking for isn't there just yet, please be patient - come back next week and see if it has been added.
How Long Have You Got?
So now you have joined the Sustainable Harborough Community, and now want to get active and make a difference in our town. This is the page to come to for inspiraration!
I've got 5 minutes
Ask a friend to become a Member of SHC
Ask a group you are involved in to become a Friend of SHC
Read some of our blogs
Donate to a climate action group
I've got 30 minutes
Explore the 'Things You Might Like' page
Watch a longer video
Join a national climate action group
Read an article
Commit to reducing your Carbon Footprint
Consider offsetting
Change your energy supplier
I've got an hour or more
Join one of the SHC subgroups
Start up a new initiative from our Wish List
Watch a film
Find out how green your bank, savings and pension are
Take part in a webinar
Take on on-line course
If you have any queries, or would like to see something extra added to any of the lists, please e-mail us: info@sustainableharboroughcommunity.co.uk