Our Team
Harborough Climate Action meets periodically from 7pm - 8pm, usually by Zoom, to discuss local issues and decide on key areas for taking action. Check the Events Page for actual dates.
Anyone can join the group, you don't have to be a Member of the Sustainable Harborough Community.
Actions include : researching and reporting on areas of concern; planning and running events to raise awareness of the issues; meeting with local politicians to highlight concerns and try to find solutions.
If you would like to attend, please let us know, and we will send you the zoom link.
Meet The Team

Tim Claydon
I'm in Harborough Climate Action because I cannot just sit back and let the climate crisis unfold, bringing even more disastrous consequences than those we are already seeing across the globe.
Unless we act swiftly, our descendants will face hardships that we can barely imagine. We need to realize how serious our situation is and do our utmost to cut greenhouse gas emissions in order to avert the worst effects of the climate crisis and enable our children and grandchildren to have civilized lives.
This means making big changes quickly at all levels, from the personal and local to the global. Right now, this is not happening anywhere near fast enough.
So I'm in Harborough Climate Action because I believe that it is only through organized, collective action that we can persuade individuals and even more importantly, businesses and governments to take responsibility for future generations by taking immediate action to prevent complete climate breakdown.

Judy Burrage
I joined HCA because I am really concerned about the state our planet has got into, and want to make sure I am doing my bit to put things right.

Julie Fagan
Julie is minutes secretary Harborough Climate Action, a founder member and treasurer of Sustainable Harborough Community and St Di’s Eco Church group.
I’ve been aware of ‘green issues’ for years but now the situation is critical and millions of people in the global south suffer the most – a huge injustice.
Motivation: distress at the harm we have caused to God’s beautiful planet. Concern for the future of the younger generations.
Solution: Time for greater action needed by us all. I have very basic knowledge about the science, my brain won’t take more. Fairly long retired; background - a community health practitioner. Hardest thing – keeping up with the emails and information!!
Invite to the reader - Come and join us however much or little you feel you can contribute. Numbers count with the Council and our MP. You can be assured of a warm welcome.

John Twidell
John Twidell, with his wife Mary, lives locally with their house and vehicles operating with renewable energy and near-zero fossil fuels. The garden supplies vegetables and fruit.
Now in semi-retirement, he was Professor of Renewable Energy at De Montfort University and head of the Energy Studies Unit at Strathclyde University.
He has no doubt that Climate Change is occurring predominantly because of worldwide use of fossil fuels. Renewable energy can be, and must be, harnessed locally and nationally for guaranteed sustainability and economic security.
David Wragg
Hollie Packman
Richard Baker
Alan Taylor
Harborough Climate Action is a subgroup of Sustainable Harborough Community.
It meets regularly and members take on various actions that are discussed at those meetings. See below for a list of recent activity.
We also have a number of interested but less active members. They are sent copies of various items received or produced by the active group, so that they are aware of what is going on. They can get more involved in activity as and when they wish.
If you would like to join the core team, or be added to the mailing list for items of interest, just click on the button
Recent Activity undertaken by Harborough Climate Action
We have a regular Climate Action column in the Harborough Mail
We have developed a suite of pages on the Sustainable Harborough Community website aimed at helping people to understand the climate emergency, and how they can respond to it
We continue to give help for people understand their Carbon Footprint and how they can reduce it.
We responded to LCC Net Zero Strategy and Action Plan consultation, and will aim to work with them in implementing it
We are continuing to press Harborough District Council on their failure to implement their Climate Emergency Action Plan
We have created a window display in an empty shop in St Mary's Place in Market Harborough, focusing on the Carbon Footprint Wheel
Harborough Climate Action is a member of the Friends of the Earth Climate Action network, and has recently won an 'Earthmovers 2022' award from them.
"The award is in recognition of the work the group has done over the year to lobby Harborough District Council to strengthen its Climate Emergency Action Plan and, through regular articles on climate in the Harborough Mail, social media campaigns and its active website, to raise climate awareness among residents in the Harborough district."
Friends of the Earth said Harborough Climate Action campaigners ‘had established a dynamic group with a specific focus on climate awareness raising and activism’.