What is Harborough District Council (HDC) doing in response to the Climate Emergency?
HDC declared a Climate Emergency in July 2019
They set up a Working Group, and issued a draft Action Plan in Dec 2019
Unfortunately, work had to be put on hold for several months as resources (human and financial) had to be diverted to dealing with the Covid pandemic
Work on developing a Climate Action Plan started again, in July 2021, when HDC started a consultation exercise
Members of the public were invited to complete an on-line survey and a consultation workshop was held on July 28th, in which Sustainable Harborough Community and other local community groups participated.
The Harborough Climate Action sent a response to the council as part of the consultation. You can read a copy of it here
They followed this up with the production of a leaflet giving suggestions for items we thought should be included in the Climate Action Plan. You can read a copy of it here
And finally ....the Climate Action Plan was approved and adopted by the full council meeting on Dec 13th. You can find a copy of it here.
The next stage is for HDC to publish a detailed delivery plan and a communications plan. As at May 2022 these have still not been published
Whilst it is great that we now have a Climate Action Plan, Harborough Climate Action has many concerns. Find out more here.
Delivery and monitoring of the plan is now the responsibility of the Cabinet, led by Councillor Phil King. We will be keeping a close eye on things to see what progress they make!