A big thank you to the many local knitters, who helped us complete the United for Warm Homes House Cosy in time for unveiling to the public at the final event of Harborough Big Green Week on June 18th. Along with the banner made earlier in the year, the cosy will help us promote the United for Warm Homes campaign at our future events.
We are now underway with our next 'craftivism' project - making draft excluders which we will be giving away to people that would like them to help keep their homes warm this winter.
Upcoming Events
Saturday 30th September, 10am - 3pm : Stall outside Sainsbury's in Market Harborough, to raise awareness of the United for Warm Homes campaign, gather more signatures for our petition, encourage people to get involved in making draft excluders, and giving out ready made draft excluders.
Wednesday 4th October, 7.30pm : Public Meeting in the Methodist Church Hall on Northampton Road. We will have expert speakers on hand to help people understand what help they can get with trying to make their homes warmer.
A reminder about what the United For Warm Homes Campaign is all about
The campaign is calling for our local and national politicians to provide the following :
Urgent additional financial support to keep people warm. Even with the government’s price freeze, too many people will be pushed into rationing their energy use this winter and living in cold, damp homes. We need more targeted support to keep people warm and well.
A nationwide insulation programme. We need the government to roll out an emergency programme of insulation and energy saving measures now - starting in neighbourhoods where fuel poverty is highest.
Permanent fixes to our failed energy system. Our energy system currently prioritises massive fossil fuel company profits over meeting people’s basic needs. By powering our homes with cheap and clean renewables and guaranteeing everyone the energy they need to live comfortably, we can ensure no one is left in the cold
To find out more about the campaign, and to sign the petition, please visit our webpage